AODA Customer Feedback Form

AODA Customer Feedback Form

    Accessibility for Ontarians with Disability Act (AODA) Customer Service Feedback Form.

    MyRate Energy Inc. (“MyRate”) values our employees, and customers and we strive to meet everyone’s needs. We are committed to providing quality goods and services that are accessible to all persons that we serve

    Your feedback is important in helping us improve accessible services at MyRate. Please take a moment to complete this feedback form and let us know how we are doing.

    Please provide us with your contact information below (optional):

    (Any personal information is collected pursuant to Ontario Regulation 429/07, the Accessible Standards for Customer Service and will be used strictly for the purpose of responding to your feedback)

    Customers can expect to hear back within five (5) business days from date of receipt. Response time to the feedback will depend on the issue, but will not exceed fifteen (15) business days unless there are extenuating circumstances involved.
    *If yes, please ensure you complete the contact information above.