Sustainable Living in Your Home

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Sustainable Living in Your Home

9 May, 2024

Sustainable living does not have to be difficult, but integrating sustainable choices into your daily life in a successful way requires you to be dedicated to making a change.

Conserving Water:

Did you know that having a shower that lasts longer than 5 minutes consumes the same amount of water as a bath?1 Conserving water is vital to combating water scarcity. In developed countries water is often used absentmindedly without thinking about the effects of irresponsible usage. A fact that may help put this issue into perspective is that only 0.75% of our world’s water is fresh and available for use, and it is estimated that by 2025, 67% of the world’s population will face shortages.2

Steps to conserving water in your home are easy and can involve making minor changes to your life! This can include actions as easy as turning off running water when it is not in use while you brush your teeth, shave, or clean kitchen items, collecting running water to reuse for tasks such as watering plants, and taking a short shower as opposed to a bath.

Reducing Your Carbon Footprint:

Reducing the carbon footprint in your home is an effective way to help combat Greenhouse gases, and ozone depletion. This can include taking public transportation, or even riding a bike.

Another effective way to reduce your carbon footprint is to ensure that when chargers or other items are not in use, they are unplugged from the walls. When chargers and other electronic items are left plugged into an outlet, there is still an electrical current passing through them, consuming energy in your household. The action of unplugging your phone charger when you are not using it can save up to 7 kilograms of carbon dioxide a year.1 This will not only save energy but also reduce your electricity bill!

Try using an online carbon footprint calculator to see what your current footprint is, and track your results to see how much you can reduce your carbon footprint!

Overall, living a more sustainable life can involve making very small changes to your daily routine, and it will have a positive impact on our environment for future generations!